EFR32 Blue Gecko 12 Software Documentation  efr32bg12-doc-5.1.2
VDAC_Init_TypeDef Struct Reference

Detailed Description

VDAC init structure, common for both channels.

Definition at line 158 of file em_vdac.h.

#include <em_vdac.h>

Data Fields

bool asyncClockMode
bool ch0ResetPre
bool diff
bool mainCalibration
bool outEnablePRS
uint32_t prescaler
VDAC_Ref_TypeDef reference
VDAC_Refresh_TypeDef refresh
bool sineEnable
bool warmupKeepOn

Field Documentation

bool VDAC_Init_TypeDef::asyncClockMode

Selects clock from asynchronous or synchronous (with respect to peripheral clock) source

Definition at line 165 of file em_vdac.h.

Referenced by VDAC_Init().

bool VDAC_Init_TypeDef::ch0ResetPre

Enable/disable reset of prescaler on CH 0 start.

Definition at line 180 of file em_vdac.h.

Referenced by VDAC_Init().

bool VDAC_Init_TypeDef::diff

Select if single ended or differential output mode.

Definition at line 189 of file em_vdac.h.

Referenced by VDAC_Init().

bool VDAC_Init_TypeDef::mainCalibration

Select between main and alternate output path calibration values.

Definition at line 161 of file em_vdac.h.

Referenced by VDAC_Init().

bool VDAC_Init_TypeDef::outEnablePRS

Enable/disable output enable control by CH1 PRS signal.

Definition at line 183 of file em_vdac.h.

Referenced by VDAC_Init().

uint32_t VDAC_Init_TypeDef::prescaler

Prescaler for VDAC clock. Clock is source clock divided by prescaler+1.

Definition at line 174 of file em_vdac.h.

Referenced by VDAC_Init().

VDAC_Ref_TypeDef VDAC_Init_TypeDef::reference

Reference voltage to use.

Definition at line 177 of file em_vdac.h.

Referenced by VDAC_Init().

VDAC_Refresh_TypeDef VDAC_Init_TypeDef::refresh

Channel refresh period.

Definition at line 171 of file em_vdac.h.

Referenced by VDAC_Init().

bool VDAC_Init_TypeDef::sineEnable

Enable/disable sine mode.

Definition at line 186 of file em_vdac.h.

Referenced by VDAC_Init().

bool VDAC_Init_TypeDef::warmupKeepOn

Warmup mode, keep VDAC on (in idle) - or shutdown between conversions.

Definition at line 168 of file em_vdac.h.

Referenced by VDAC_Init().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: