EFR32 Blue Gecko 12 Software Documentation  efr32bg12-doc-5.1.2
LETIMER_Init_TypeDef Struct Reference

Detailed Description

LETIMER initialization structure.

Definition at line 96 of file em_letimer.h.

#include <em_letimer.h>

Data Fields

bool bufTop
bool comp0Top
bool debugRun
bool enable
uint8_t out0Pol
uint8_t out1Pol
LETIMER_RepeatMode_TypeDef repMode
LETIMER_UFOA_TypeDef ufoa0
LETIMER_UFOA_TypeDef ufoa1

Field Documentation

bool LETIMER_Init_TypeDef::bufTop

Load COMP1 into COMP0 when REP0 reaches 0.

Definition at line 105 of file em_letimer.h.

Referenced by LETIMER_Init().

bool LETIMER_Init_TypeDef::comp0Top

Load COMP0 register into CNT when counter underflows.

Definition at line 104 of file em_letimer.h.

Referenced by LETIMER_Init(), and MIC_init().

bool LETIMER_Init_TypeDef::debugRun

Counter shall keep running during debug halt.

Definition at line 99 of file em_letimer.h.

Referenced by LETIMER_Init().

bool LETIMER_Init_TypeDef::enable

Start counting when init completed.

Definition at line 98 of file em_letimer.h.

Referenced by LETIMER_Init(), and MIC_init().

uint8_t LETIMER_Init_TypeDef::out0Pol

Idle value for output 0.

Definition at line 106 of file em_letimer.h.

Referenced by LETIMER_Init().

uint8_t LETIMER_Init_TypeDef::out1Pol

Idle value for output 1.

Definition at line 107 of file em_letimer.h.

Referenced by LETIMER_Init().

LETIMER_RepeatMode_TypeDef LETIMER_Init_TypeDef::repMode

Repeat mode.

Definition at line 110 of file em_letimer.h.

Referenced by LETIMER_Init().

LETIMER_UFOA_TypeDef LETIMER_Init_TypeDef::ufoa0

Underflow output 0 action.

Definition at line 108 of file em_letimer.h.

Referenced by LETIMER_Init(), and MIC_init().

LETIMER_UFOA_TypeDef LETIMER_Init_TypeDef::ufoa1

Underflow output 1 action.

Definition at line 109 of file em_letimer.h.

Referenced by LETIMER_Init().

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