EFR32 Blue Gecko 12 Software Documentation  efr32bg12-doc-5.1.2
I2C_TypeDef Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Definition at line 41 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

Data Fields

__IOM uint32_t CLKDIV
__IOM uint32_t CMD
__IOM uint32_t CTRL
__IOM uint32_t IEN
__IM uint32_t IF
__IOM uint32_t IFC
__IOM uint32_t IFS
__IOM uint32_t ROUTELOC0
__IOM uint32_t ROUTEPEN
__IM uint32_t RXDATA
__IM uint32_t RXDATAP
__IM uint32_t RXDOUBLE
__IM uint32_t RXDOUBLEP
__IOM uint32_t SADDR
__IOM uint32_t SADDRMASK
__IM uint32_t STATE
__IM uint32_t STATUS
__IOM uint32_t TXDATA
__IOM uint32_t TXDOUBLE

Field Documentation

__IOM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::CLKDIV

Clock Division Register

Definition at line 47 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

Referenced by I2C_BusFreqGet(), I2C_BusFreqSet(), and I2C_Reset().

__IOM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::CMD

Command Register

Definition at line 44 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

Referenced by I2C_Transfer(), and I2C_TransferInit().

__IOM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::CTRL

Control Register

Definition at line 43 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

Referenced by I2C_BusFreqGet(), I2C_BusFreqSet(), I2C_Enable(), I2C_Init(), and I2C_Reset().

__IOM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::IEN

Interrupt Enable Register

Definition at line 59 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

Referenced by I2C_Init(), I2C_IntDisable(), I2C_IntEnable(), I2C_IntGetEnabled(), I2C_Reset(), I2C_Transfer(), and I2C_TransferInit().

__IM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::IF

Interrupt Flag Register

Definition at line 56 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

Referenced by I2C_IntGet(), I2C_IntGetEnabled(), I2C_Transfer(), and I2C_TransferInit().

__IOM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::IFC

Interrupt Flag Clear Register

Definition at line 58 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

Referenced by I2C_Init(), I2C_IntClear(), I2C_Reset(), I2C_Transfer(), and I2C_TransferInit().

__IOM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::IFS

Interrupt Flag Set Register

Definition at line 57 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

Referenced by I2C_IntSet().

__IOM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::ROUTELOC0

I/O Routing Location Register

Definition at line 61 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

Referenced by I2CSPM_Init().

__IOM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::ROUTEPEN

I/O Routing Pin Enable Register

Definition at line 60 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

Referenced by I2CSPM_Init().

__IM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::RXDATA

Receive Buffer Data Register

Definition at line 50 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

Referenced by I2C_Transfer(), and I2C_TransferInit().

__IM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::RXDATAP

Receive Buffer Data Peek Register

Definition at line 52 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

__IM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::RXDOUBLE

Receive Buffer Double Data Register

Definition at line 51 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

__IM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::RXDOUBLEP

Receive Buffer Double Data Peek Register

Definition at line 53 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

__IOM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::SADDR

Slave Address Register

Definition at line 48 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

Referenced by I2C_Reset(), I2C_SlaveAddressGet(), and I2C_SlaveAddressSet().

__IOM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::SADDRMASK

Slave Address Mask Register

Definition at line 49 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

Referenced by I2C_Reset(), I2C_SlaveAddressMaskGet(), and I2C_SlaveAddressMaskSet().

__IM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::STATE

State Register

Definition at line 45 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

Referenced by I2C_TransferInit().

__IM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::STATUS

Status Register

Definition at line 46 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

__IOM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::TXDATA

Transmit Buffer Data Register

Definition at line 54 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

Referenced by I2C_Transfer().

__IOM uint32_t I2C_TypeDef::TXDOUBLE

Transmit Buffer Double Data Register

Definition at line 55 of file efr32bg12p_i2c.h.

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