EFM32 Jade Gecko 1 Software Documentation  efm32jg1-doc-5.1.2
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Detailed Description

Core interrupt handling API.


The purpose of the CORE interrupt API is to provide simple and safe means to disable and enable interrupts to protect sections of code.

This is often referred to as "critical sections" and this module provide support for three types of critical sections, each with different interrupt blocking capabilities.

em_core also has an API for manipulating RAM based interrupt vector tables.

Compile time configuration

The following #defines are used to configure em_core:

  // The interrupt priority level used inside ATOMIC sections.

  // Method used for interrupt disable/enable within ATOMIC sections.

If the default values does not support your needs, they can be overridden by supplying -D compiler flags on the compiler command line or by collecting all macro redefinitions in a file named emlib_config.h and then supplying -DEMLIB_USER_CONFIG on compiler command line.

The default emlib configuration for ATOMIC section interrupt disable method is using PRIMASK, i.e. ATOMIC sections are implemented as CRITICAL sections.
Due to architectural limitations Cortex-M0+ devices does not support ATOMIC type critical sections using the BASEPRI register. On M0+ devices ATOMIC section helper macros are available but they are implemented as CRITICAL sections using PRIMASK register.

The macro API

The primary em_core API is the macro API. The macro API will map to correct CORE functions according to the selected CORE_ATOMIC_METHOD and similar configurations (the full CORE API is of course also available). The most useful macros are:

Used together to implement an ATOMIC section.

    CORE_DECLARE_IRQ_STATE;           // Storage for saving IRQ state prior
                                      // atomic section entry.

    CORE_ENTER_ATOMIC();              // Enter atomic section

    ... your code goes here ...

    CORE_EXIT_ATOMIC();               // Exit atomic section, IRQ state is restored

A concatenation of all three macros above.

      ... your code goes here ...

These macros implement CRITICAL sections in a similar fashion as described above for ATOMIC sections.

These macros implement NVIC mask sections in a similar fashion as described above for ATOMIC sections. See Examples for an example.

Refer to Macros or Macro Definition Documentation below for a full list of macros.

API reimplementation

Most of the functions in the API are implemented as weak functions. This means that it is easy to reimplement them when special needs arise. Shown below is a reimplementation of CRITICAL sections suitable if FreeRTOS is used:

  CORE_irqState_t CORE_EnterCritical(void)
    return 0;

  void CORE_ExitCritical(CORE_irqState_t irqState)

Also note that CORE_Enter/ExitCritical() are not implemented as inline functions. As a result, reimplementations will be possible even when original implementations reside inside a linked library.

Some RTOS'es must be notified on interrupt handler entry and exit. Macros CORE_INTERRUPT_ENTRY() and CORE_INTERRUPT_EXIT() are suitable placeholders for inserting such code. Insert these macros in all your interrupt handlers and then override the default macro implementations. Here is an example suitable if uC/OS is used:

  // In emlib_config.h:

  #define CORE_INTERRUPT_ENTRY()   OSIntEnter()
  #define CORE_INTERRUPT_EXIT()    OSIntExit()

Interrupt vector tables

When using RAM based interrupt vector tables it is the users responsibility to allocate the table space correctly. The tables must be aligned as specified in the cpu reference manual.

Initialize a RAM based vector table by copying table entries from a source vector table to a target table. VTOR is set to the address of the target vector table.

Use these functions to get or set the interrupt handler for a specific IRQn. They both use the interrupt vector table defined by current VTOR register value.


Implement a NVIC critical section:

    CORE_DECLARE_NVIC_ZEROMASK(mask); // A zero initialized NVIC disable mask

    // Set mask bits for IRQ's we wish to block in the NVIC critical section
    // In many cases you can create the disable mask once upon application
    // startup and use the mask globally throughout application lifetime.
    CORE_NvicMaskSetIRQ(LEUART0_IRQn, &mask);
    CORE_NvicMaskSetIRQ(VCMP_IRQn,    &mask);

    // Enter NVIC critical section with the disable mask
      ... your code goes here ...

Porting from em_int

Existing code using INT_Enable() and INT_Disable() must be ported to the em_core API. While em_int used a global counter to store the interrupt state, em_core uses a local variable. Any usage of INT_Disable() therefore needs to be replaced with a declaration of the interrupt state variable before entering the critical section.

Since the state variable is in the local scope, the critical section exit needs to occur within the scope of the variable. If multiple nested critical sections are used, each needs to have its own state variable in its own scope.

In many cases, completely disabling all interrupts using CRITICAL sections might be more heavy-handed than needed. When porting, consider whether other types of sections, like ATOMIC or NVIC mask, can be used to only disable a subset of the interrupts.

Replacing em_int calls with em_core function calls:

  void func(void)
    // INT_Disable();
    // INT_Enable();

Data Structures

struct  CORE_nvicMask_t


#define CORE_ATOMIC_IRQ_DISABLE()    CORE_AtomicDisableIrq()
#define CORE_ATOMIC_IRQ_ENABLE()    CORE_AtomicEnableIrq()
#define CORE_ATOMIC_SECTION(yourcode)
#define CORE_CRITICAL_IRQ_DISABLE()   CORE_CriticalDisableIrq()
#define CORE_CRITICAL_IRQ_ENABLE()   CORE_CriticalEnableIrq()
#define CORE_CRITICAL_SECTION(yourcode)
#define CORE_DECLARE_IRQ_STATE   CORE_irqState_t irqState
#define CORE_DECLARE_NVIC_MASK(x)    CORE_nvicMask_t x
#define CORE_DECLARE_NVIC_STATE   CORE_nvicMask_t nvicState
#define CORE_DECLARE_NVIC_ZEROMASK(x)   CORE_nvicMask_t x = {{0}}
#define CORE_ENTER_ATOMIC()    irqState = CORE_EnterAtomic()
#define CORE_ENTER_CRITICAL()    irqState = CORE_EnterCritical()
#define CORE_ENTER_NVIC(disable)   CORE_EnterNvicMask(&nvicState,disable)
#define CORE_EXIT_ATOMIC()    CORE_ExitAtomic(irqState)
#define CORE_EXIT_CRITICAL()    CORE_ExitCritical(irqState)
#define CORE_EXIT_NVIC()    CORE_NvicEnableMask(&nvicState)
#define CORE_IN_IRQ_CONTEXT()    CORE_InIrqContext()
#define CORE_IRQ_DISABLED()    CORE_IrqIsDisabled()
#define CORE_NVIC_DISABLE(mask)    CORE_NvicDisableMask(mask)
#define CORE_NVIC_ENABLE(mask)    CORE_NvicEnableMask(mask)
#define CORE_NVIC_REG_WORDS   ((EXT_IRQ_COUNT + 31) / 32)
#define CORE_NVIC_SECTION(mask, yourcode)
#define CORE_YIELD_ATOMIC()    CORE_YieldAtomic(void)
#define CORE_YIELD_CRITICAL()    CORE_YieldCritical(void)
#define CORE_YIELD_NVIC(enable)    CORE_YieldNvicMask(enable)


typedef uint32_t CORE_irqState_t


void CORE_AtomicDisableIrq (void)
 Disable interrupts. More...
void CORE_AtomicEnableIrq (void)
 Enable interrupts. More...
void CORE_CriticalDisableIrq (void)
 Disable interrupts. More...
void CORE_CriticalEnableIrq (void)
 Enable interrupts. More...
CORE_irqState_t CORE_EnterAtomic (void)
 Enter an ATOMIC section. More...
CORE_irqState_t CORE_EnterCritical (void)
 Enter a CRITICAL section. More...
void CORE_EnterNvicMask (CORE_nvicMask_t *nvicState, const CORE_nvicMask_t *disable)
 Enter a NVIC mask section. More...
void CORE_ExitAtomic (CORE_irqState_t irqState)
 Exit an ATOMIC section. More...
void CORE_ExitCritical (CORE_irqState_t irqState)
 Exit a CRITICAL section. More...
void CORE_GetNvicEnabledMask (CORE_nvicMask_t *mask)
 Get current NVIC enable mask state. More...
bool CORE_GetNvicMaskDisableState (const CORE_nvicMask_t *mask)
 Get NVIC disable state for a given mask. More...
void * CORE_GetNvicRamTableHandler (IRQn_Type irqN)
 Utility function to get the handler for a specific interrupt. More...
bool CORE_InIrqContext (void)
 Check if current cpu operation mode is handler mode. More...
void CORE_InitNvicVectorTable (uint32_t *sourceTable, uint32_t sourceSize, uint32_t *targetTable, uint32_t targetSize, void *defaultHandler, bool overwriteActive)
 Initialize an interrupt vector table by copying table entries from a source to a target table. More...
bool CORE_IrqIsBlocked (IRQn_Type irqN)
 Check if a specific interrupt is disabled or blocked. More...
bool CORE_IrqIsDisabled (void)
 Check if interrupts are disabled. More...
void CORE_NvicDisableMask (const CORE_nvicMask_t *disable)
 Disable NVIC interrupts. More...
void CORE_NvicEnableMask (const CORE_nvicMask_t *enable)
 Set current NVIC interrupt enable mask. More...
bool CORE_NvicIRQDisabled (IRQn_Type irqN)
 Check if a NVIC interrupt is disabled. More...
void CORE_NvicMaskClearIRQ (IRQn_Type irqN, CORE_nvicMask_t *mask)
 Utility function to clear an IRQn bit in a NVIC enable/disable mask. More...
void CORE_NvicMaskSetIRQ (IRQn_Type irqN, CORE_nvicMask_t *mask)
 Utility function to set an IRQn bit in a NVIC enable/disable mask. More...
void CORE_SetNvicRamTableHandler (IRQn_Type irqN, void *handler)
 Utility function to set the handler for a specific interrupt. More...
void CORE_YieldAtomic (void)
 Brief interrupt enable/disable sequence to allow handling of pending interrupts. More...
void CORE_YieldCritical (void)
 Brief interrupt enable/disable sequence to allow handling of pending interrupts. More...
void CORE_YieldNvicMask (const CORE_nvicMask_t *enable)
 Brief NVIC interrupt enable/disable sequence to allow handling of pending interrupts. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


The interrupt priority level disabled within ATOMIC regions. Interrupts with priority level equal to or lower than this definition will be disabled within ATOMIC regions.

Definition at line 271 of file em_core.c.

Referenced by CORE_AtomicDisableIrq(), CORE_EnterAtomic(), CORE_IrqIsDisabled(), and CORE_YieldAtomic().

#define CORE_ATOMIC_IRQ_DISABLE ( )    CORE_AtomicDisableIrq()

ATOMIC style interrupt disable.

Definition at line 120 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_ATOMIC_IRQ_ENABLE ( )    CORE_AtomicEnableIrq()

ATOMIC style interrupt enable.

Definition at line 123 of file em_core.h.


Specify which method to use when implementing ATOMIC sections. You can select between BASEPRI or PRIMASK method.

On Cortex-M0+ devices only PRIMASK can be used.

Definition at line 278 of file em_core.c.


Use BASEPRI register to disable interrupts in ATOMIC sections.

Definition at line 58 of file em_core.h.


Use PRIMASK register to disable interrupts in ATOMIC sections.

Definition at line 55 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_ATOMIC_SECTION (   yourcode)
{ \
{ \
yourcode \
} \
Definition: em_core.h:85
Definition: em_core.h:138
Definition: em_core.h:142

Convenience macro for implementing an ATOMIC section.

Definition at line 126 of file em_core.h.

Referenced by DMADRV_TransferDone(), DMADRV_TransferRemainingCount(), GPIOINT_CallbackRegister(), LDMA_StopTransfer(), LDMA_TransferDone(), LDMA_TransferRemainingCount(), RTCDRV_FreeTimer(), SPIDRV_GetTransferStatus(), and UARTDRV_Transmit().

#define CORE_CRITICAL_IRQ_DISABLE ( )    CORE_CriticalDisableIrq()

CRITICAL style interrupt disable.

Definition at line 88 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_CRITICAL_IRQ_ENABLE ( )    CORE_CriticalEnableIrq()

CRITICAL style interrupt enable.

Definition at line 91 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_CRITICAL_SECTION (   yourcode)
{ \
{ \
yourcode \
} \
Definition: em_core.h:85
Definition: em_core.h:110
Definition: em_core.h:106

Convenience macro for implementing a CRITICAL section.

Definition at line 94 of file em_core.h.

Referenced by CORE_EnterNvicMask(), CORE_GetNvicEnabledMask(), CORE_GetNvicMaskDisableState(), CORE_NvicDisableMask(), CORE_NvicEnableMask(), and CORE_YieldNvicMask().

#define CORE_DECLARE_NVIC_MASK (   x)    CORE_nvicMask_t x

Allocate storage for NVIC interrupt masks.

[in]xThe storage variable name to use.

Definition at line 158 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_DECLARE_NVIC_STATE   CORE_nvicMask_t nvicState

Allocate storage for NVIC interrupt masks for use by CORE_ENTER/EXIT_NVIC() macros.

Definition at line 153 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_DECLARE_NVIC_ZEROMASK (   x)    CORE_nvicMask_t x = {{0}}

Allocate storage for and zero initialize NVIC interrupt mask.

[in]xThe storage variable name to use.

Definition at line 163 of file em_core.h.


Number of entries in a default interrupt vector table.

Definition at line 64 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_ENTER_CRITICAL ( )    irqState = CORE_EnterCritical()

Enter CRITICAL section. Assumes that a CORE_DECLARE_IRQ_STATE exist in scope.

Definition at line 106 of file em_core.h.

Referenced by SLEEP_Sleep().

#define CORE_ENTER_NVIC (   disable)    CORE_EnterNvicMask(&nvicState,disable)

Enter NVIC mask section. Assumes that a CORE_DECLARE_NVIC_STATE exist in scope.

[in]disableMask specifying which NVIC interrupts to disable within the section.

Definition at line 194 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_EXIT_CRITICAL ( )    CORE_ExitCritical(irqState)

Exit CRITICAL section. Assumes that a CORE_DECLARE_IRQ_STATE exist in scope.

Definition at line 110 of file em_core.h.

Referenced by SLEEP_Sleep().

#define CORE_EXIT_NVIC ( )    CORE_NvicEnableMask(&nvicState)

Exit NVIC mask section. Assumes that a CORE_DECLARE_NVIC_STATE exist in scope.

Definition at line 198 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_IN_IRQ_CONTEXT ( )    CORE_InIrqContext()

Check if inside an IRQ handler.

Definition at line 213 of file em_core.h.


Placeholder for optional interrupt handler entry code. This might be needed when working with an RTOS.

Definition at line 287 of file em_core.c.


Placeholder for optional interrupt handler exit code. This might be needed when working with an RTOS.

Definition at line 293 of file em_core.c.

#define CORE_IRQ_DISABLED ( )    CORE_IrqIsDisabled()

Check if IRQ is disabled.

Definition at line 210 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_NVIC_DISABLE (   mask)    CORE_NvicDisableMask(mask)

NVIC mask style interrupt disable.

[in]maskMask specifying which NVIC interrupts to disable.

Definition at line 168 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_NVIC_ENABLE (   mask)    CORE_NvicEnableMask(mask)

NVIC mask style interrupt enable.

[in]maskMask specifying which NVIC interrupts to enable.

Definition at line 173 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_NVIC_REG_WORDS   ((EXT_IRQ_COUNT + 31) / 32)

Number of words in a NVIC mask set.

Definition at line 61 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_NVIC_SECTION (   mask,
{ \
{ \
yourcode \
} \
Definition: em_core.h:153
#define CORE_EXIT_NVIC()
Definition: em_core.h:198
#define CORE_ENTER_NVIC(disable)
Definition: em_core.h:194

Convenience macro for implementing a NVIC mask section.

[in]maskMask specifying which NVIC interrupts to disable within the section.
[in]yourcodeThe code for the section.

Definition at line 180 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_YIELD_ATOMIC ( )    CORE_YieldAtomic(void)

ATOMIC style yield.

Definition at line 145 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_YIELD_CRITICAL ( )    CORE_YieldCritical(void)

CRITICAL style yield.

Definition at line 113 of file em_core.h.

#define CORE_YIELD_NVIC (   enable)    CORE_YieldNvicMask(enable)

NVIC maks style yield.

[in]enableMask specifying which NVIC interrupts to briefly enable.

Definition at line 203 of file em_core.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef uint32_t CORE_irqState_t

Storage for PRIMASK or BASEPRI value.

Definition at line 220 of file em_core.h.

Function Documentation

SL_WEAK void CORE_AtomicDisableIrq ( void  )

Disable interrupts.

Disable interrupts with priority lower or equal to CORE_ATOMIC_BASE_PRIORITY_LEVEL. Sets core BASEPRI register to CORE_ATOMIC_BASE_PRIORITY_LEVEL.

If CORE_ATOMIC_METHOD is CORE_ATOMIC_METHOD_PRIMASK, this function is identical to CORE_CriticalDisableIrq().

Definition at line 390 of file em_core.c.


SL_WEAK void CORE_AtomicEnableIrq ( void  )

Enable interrupts.

Enable interrupts by setting core BASEPRI register to 0.

If CORE_ATOMIC_METHOD is CORE_ATOMIC_METHOD_BASEPRI and PRIMASK is set (cpu is inside a CRITICAL section), interrupts will still be disabled after calling this function.
If CORE_ATOMIC_METHOD is CORE_ATOMIC_METHOD_PRIMASK, this function is identical to CORE_CriticalEnableIrq().

Definition at line 414 of file em_core.c.

SL_WEAK void CORE_CriticalDisableIrq ( void  )

Disable interrupts.

Disable all interrupts by setting PRIMASK. (Fault exception handlers will still be enabled).

Definition at line 313 of file em_core.c.

SL_WEAK void CORE_CriticalEnableIrq ( void  )

Enable interrupts.

Enable interrupts by clearing PRIMASK.

Definition at line 324 of file em_core.c.

SL_WEAK CORE_irqState_t CORE_EnterAtomic ( void  )

Enter an ATOMIC section.

When an ATOMIC section is entered, interrupts with priority lower or equal to CORE_ATOMIC_BASE_PRIORITY_LEVEL are disabled.

If CORE_ATOMIC_METHOD is CORE_ATOMIC_METHOD_PRIMASK, this function is identical to CORE_EnterCritical().
The value of BASEPRI register prior to ATOMIC section entry.

Definition at line 437 of file em_core.c.


SL_WEAK CORE_irqState_t CORE_EnterCritical ( void  )

Enter a CRITICAL section.

When a CRITICAL section is entered, all interrupts (except fault handlers) are disabled.

The value of PRIMASK register prior to CRITICAL section entry.

Definition at line 339 of file em_core.c.

void CORE_EnterNvicMask ( CORE_nvicMask_t nvicState,
const CORE_nvicMask_t disable 

Enter a NVIC mask section.

When a NVIC mask section is entered, specified NVIC interrupts are disabled.

[out]nvicStateReturn NVIC interrupts enable mask prior to section entry.
[in]disableMask specifying which NVIC interrupts to disable within the section.

Definition at line 515 of file em_core.c.


SL_WEAK void CORE_ExitAtomic ( CORE_irqState_t  irqState)

Exit an ATOMIC section.

[in]irqStateThe interrupt priority blocking level to restore to BASEPRI when exiting the ATOMIC section. This value is usually the one returned by a prior call to CORE_EnterAtomic().
If CORE_ATOMIC_METHOD is set to CORE_ATOMIC_METHOD_PRIMASK, this function is identical to CORE_ExitCritical().

Definition at line 463 of file em_core.c.

SL_WEAK void CORE_ExitCritical ( CORE_irqState_t  irqState)

Exit a CRITICAL section.

[in]irqStateThe interrupt priority blocking level to restore to PRIMASK when exiting the CRITICAL section. This value is usually the one returned by a prior call to CORE_EnterCritical().

Definition at line 355 of file em_core.c.

void CORE_GetNvicEnabledMask ( CORE_nvicMask_t mask)

Get current NVIC enable mask state.

[out]maskCurrent NVIC enable mask.

Definition at line 728 of file em_core.c.


bool CORE_GetNvicMaskDisableState ( const CORE_nvicMask_t mask)

Get NVIC disable state for a given mask.

[in]maskNVIC mask to check.
True if all NVIC interrupt mask bits are clear.

Definition at line 745 of file em_core.c.

References CORE_nvicMask_t::a, and CORE_CRITICAL_SECTION.

void * CORE_GetNvicRamTableHandler ( IRQn_Type  irqN)

Utility function to get the handler for a specific interrupt.

[in]irqNThe IRQn_Type enumerator for the interrupt.
The handler address.
Uses the interrupt vector table defined by current VTOR register value.

Definition at line 800 of file em_core.c.

References EXT_IRQ_COUNT.

SL_WEAK bool CORE_InIrqContext ( void  )

Check if current cpu operation mode is handler mode.

True if cpu in handler mode (currently executing an interrupt handler).
False if cpu in thread mode.

Definition at line 647 of file em_core.c.

void CORE_InitNvicVectorTable ( uint32_t *  sourceTable,
uint32_t  sourceSize,
uint32_t *  targetTable,
uint32_t  targetSize,
void *  defaultHandler,
bool  overwriteActive 

Initialize an interrupt vector table by copying table entries from a source to a target table.

This function will set a new VTOR register value.
[in]sourceTableAddress of source vector table.
[in]sourceSizeNumber of entries is source vector table.
[in]targetTableAddress of target (new) vector table.
[in]targetSizeNumber of entries is target vector table.
[in]defaultHandlerAddress of interrupt handler used for target entries for which where there is no corresponding source entry (i.e. target table is larger than source table).
[in]overwriteActiveWhen true, a target table entry is always overwritten with the corresponding source entry. If false, a target table entry is only overwritten if it is zero. This makes it possible for an application to partly initialize a target table before passing it to this function.

Definition at line 856 of file em_core.c.

References RAM_MEM_BASE, and RAM_MEM_SIZE.

SL_WEAK bool CORE_IrqIsBlocked ( IRQn_Type  irqN)

Check if a specific interrupt is disabled or blocked.

[in]irqNThe IRQn_Type enumerator for the interrupt to check.
True if interrupt disabled or blocked.

Definition at line 662 of file em_core.c.

References __NVIC_PRIO_BITS, CORE_NvicIRQDisabled(), EXT_IRQ_COUNT, MemoryManagement_IRQn, and SVCall_IRQn.

Referenced by UARTDRV_ForceTransmit().

SL_WEAK bool CORE_IrqIsDisabled ( void  )

Check if interrupts are disabled.

True if interrupts are disabled.

Definition at line 709 of file em_core.c.


void CORE_NvicDisableMask ( const CORE_nvicMask_t disable)

Disable NVIC interrupts.

[in]disableMask specifying which NVIC interrupts to disable.

Definition at line 531 of file em_core.c.


void CORE_NvicEnableMask ( const CORE_nvicMask_t enable)

Set current NVIC interrupt enable mask.

[out]enableMask specifying which NVIC interrupts are currently enabled.

Definition at line 545 of file em_core.c.


bool CORE_NvicIRQDisabled ( IRQn_Type  irqN)

Check if a NVIC interrupt is disabled.

[in]irqNThe IRQn_Type enumerator for the interrupt to check.
True if interrupt disabled.

Definition at line 778 of file em_core.c.

References CORE_nvicMask_t::a, and EXT_IRQ_COUNT.

Referenced by CORE_IrqIsBlocked().

void CORE_NvicMaskClearIRQ ( IRQn_Type  irqN,
CORE_nvicMask_t mask 

Utility function to clear an IRQn bit in a NVIC enable/disable mask.

[in]irqNThe IRQn_Type enumerator for the interrupt.
[in,out]maskThe mask to clear interrupt bit in.

Definition at line 633 of file em_core.c.

References CORE_nvicMask_t::a, and EXT_IRQ_COUNT.

void CORE_NvicMaskSetIRQ ( IRQn_Type  irqN,
CORE_nvicMask_t mask 

Utility function to set an IRQn bit in a NVIC enable/disable mask.

[in]irqNThe IRQn_Type enumerator for the interrupt.
[in,out]maskThe mask to set interrupt bit in.

Definition at line 617 of file em_core.c.

References CORE_nvicMask_t::a, and EXT_IRQ_COUNT.

void CORE_SetNvicRamTableHandler ( IRQn_Type  irqN,
void *  handler 

Utility function to set the handler for a specific interrupt.

[in]irqNThe IRQn_Type enumerator for the interrupt.
[in]handlerThe handler address.
Uses the interrupt vector table defined by current VTOR register value.

Definition at line 819 of file em_core.c.

References EXT_IRQ_COUNT.

SL_WEAK void CORE_YieldAtomic ( void  )

Brief interrupt enable/disable sequence to allow handling of pending interrupts.

Usully used within an ATOMIC section.
If CORE_ATOMIC_METHOD is CORE_ATOMIC_METHOD_PRIMASK, this function is identical to CORE_YieldCritical().

Definition at line 486 of file em_core.c.


SL_WEAK void CORE_YieldCritical ( void  )

Brief interrupt enable/disable sequence to allow handling of pending interrupts.

Usully used within a CRITICAL section.

Definition at line 370 of file em_core.c.

void CORE_YieldNvicMask ( const CORE_nvicMask_t enable)

Brief NVIC interrupt enable/disable sequence to allow handling of pending interrupts.

[in]enableMask specifying which NVIC interrupts to briefly enable.
Usually used within a NVIC mask section.

Definition at line 563 of file em_core.c.

References CORE_nvicMask_t::a, and CORE_CRITICAL_SECTION.