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Version 1.4.1
Delivery Mechanism for Software Packs
The element /package/examples/example describes fully defined examples contained in the PACK. An example lists the files that belong to an example. The example itself and each individual file may refer to a condition that must resolve to true; if it is false the example or file will be ignored. The board element is used to reference to one or more board descriptions using the board vendor and name an example is targeted for. Each example can specify attributes listing related components using Class (Cclass=), Group (Cgroup=), Subgroup (Csub) and a Version (Cversion=)
Grouping element for examples. No more than one such group can exist in a PACK.
Parent | Chain | ||
package | /package | ||
Child Elements | Description | Type | Occurrence |
example | Description of fully specified project | ExampleType | 1..* |
An example section is used to provide the required information for accessing an example project contained in a PACK. All examples contained in the installed packs can be listed including a brief description. A selected example will get copied into a user selected destination folder. Based on the user selected environment the respective project file will be loaded. The ID of an example is the combination of the PACK vendor, the board information and the example name and version. Examples with the same ID are treated as a single example.
Parent | Chain | ||
examples | /package/examples | ||
Attributes | Description | Type | Use |
name | Name of the example | xs:string | required |
folder | Relative path to the example base folder within the package. If selected, then the directory including all sub-folders and files will be copied, unless the archive attribute gets set. | xs:string | required |
archive | Filename and extension of the archive file containing all files and sub-folders of the example. The archive is located in the path specified by the attribute folder. If selected, then the whole archive will be extracted. | xs:string | optional |
doc | Document that describes the example. | xs:string | required |
version | Example version number. The version format is described in Version Type. | VersionType | optional |
Child Elements | Description | Type | Occurrence |
description | Briefly documents the purpose and scope of the example. The test can be displayed in an example selector. | xs:string | 1 |
board | Complex type providing a reference to a board description using board name and vendor.. | BoardReferenceType | 1 |
project | Complex type describing the project files for different environments | ExampleProjectType | 1..* |
attributes | Group element for project attributes, which list required components, define example categories, and set keywords to filter and search for examples. | ExampleAttributesType | 1 |
This element specifies the board that can be used with the example project.
Parent | Chain | ||
example | /package/examples/example | ||
Attributes | Description | Type | Use |
vendor | Vendor name of the board. | xs:string | required |
name | Commercial name of the board. | xs:string | required |
Dvendor | Vendor name of the device used on the board. Use predefined values as listed in the table Device Vendor. | DeviceVendorEnum | optional |
Dfamily | Name of the target device family used on the board. This attribute is optional if either DsubFamily or Dname is already specified. Deprecated since version 1.1 | xs:string | optional |
DsubFamily | Name of the target device sub-family used on the board. This attribute is optional if either Dfamily or Dname is already specified. Deprecated since version 1.1 | xs:string | optional |
Dname | Name of the target device used on the board. This attribute is optional if either Dfamily or DsubFamily is already specified. Deprecated since version 1.1. | xs:string | optional |
A project element is a sequence of environment elements that describe the name of the environment and the project file to be loaded.
Parent | Chain | ||
example | /package/examples/example | ||
Element | Description | Type | Occurrence |
environment | Specifies the environment and project file with extension. | xs:complexType | 1..* |
The environment element describes the name of the environment and the project file to be loaded.
Parent | Chain | ||
project | /package/examples/project | ||
Attributes | Description | Type | Use |
name | Name of the required tool-chain (for example: uv, iar, etc.) | xs:string | required |
load | Specifies the project file with extension. A path relative to folder attribute of the element /package/examples/example can be appended. | xs:string | required |
Parent | Chain | ||
example | /package/examples/example | ||
Child Elements | Description | Type | Occurrence |
category | Free form string defining an example category. A category can be used to filter examples in an example browser. | xs:string | 0..* |
component | Group for defining the components used in the example. | ComponentCategoryType | 0..* |
keyword | Free form string defining a keyword that relates to the example. A keyword can be used to search for examples. | xs:string | 0..* |
The component element specifies the Cclass to which the example belongs. This can be used to list all related components within an example.
Parent | Chain | ||
attribute | /package/examples/example/attributes | ||
Attribute | Description | Type | Use |
Cclass | Free form string defining an example class. Predefined values can be used as listed in the table Component Classes. | CclassType | required |
Cgroup | Free form string defining an example group. Predefined values can be used as listed in the table Component Groups. | CgroupType | optional |
Csub | Free form string defining an example subgroup. The type is described in Component Subgroups. | CsubType | optional |
Cversion | Free form string defining an example version. The version format is described in Version Type. | VersionType | optional |
Cvendor | Free form string defining the vendor of the example. | xs:string | optional |