CMSIS-Pack  Version 1.4.1
Delivery Mechanism for Software Packs
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Debug Access Sequences

Operations executed by tools for debugging and flash programming.

Debug Access Sequences define the activities of development tools to connect to a device using the debug channel for debugging, tracing, or flash programming.

Several Debug Access Sequences are pre-defined and executed in specific context. Refer to /package/devices/family/.../sequences for a details.

The development tools should implement Default Debug Access Sequences for these Pre-defined Debug Access Sequences. These Default Debug Access Sequences can be overwritten by Debug Access Sequences specified with the sequence element in the PDSC file. Additionally, a PDSC file can contain user-defined sequences, for example to reuse access sequence fragments.

Usage of Debug Access Sequences

Pre-defined Debug Access Sequences are used in the following context:

  • Connect Debugger to Device is executed when debugging or flash programming with the target starts.
  • Reset Device is executed to reset the target.
  • Verify Code is executed to verify the content after flash programming.
  • Disconnect Debugger is executed when debugging or flash programming with the target stops.

The following diagrams show how the Debug Access Sequences are executed by a development tool.

Connect Debugger to Device is executed when debugging or flash programming with the target starts.


Reset Device is executed to reset the target.


Verify Code is executed to verify the content after flash programming.


Disconnect Debugger is executed when debugging or flash programming with the target stops.


Default Debug Access Sequences

Debug Access Sequences get defined in the sequence element. A list of all available pre-defined sequence names is provided in the table Pre-defined Debug Access Sequences. The following default sequences should be implemented in a tool. They are executed when no sequence definition exists in the PDSC file.

Default Debug Access Sequences read the System Control Space (SCS) of the processor and assume that the SCS offset is implemented as defined in the ARMv6-M/ARMv7-M architecture reference manual.

The following Default Debug Access Sequences are implemented:


  <sequence name="DebugPortSetup">
      __var isSWJ    = ((__protocol &amp; 0x00010000) != 0);
      __var protType = __protocol &amp; 0x0000FFFF;
    <!-- JTAG Protocol -->
    <control if="protType == 1">
      <control if="isSWJ">
        <block atomic="1">
          // Ensure current debug interface is in reset state
          DAP_SWJ_Sequence(51, 0x0007FFFFFFFFFFFF);
          // Execute SWJ-DP Switch Sequence SWD to JTAG (0xE73C)
          // Change if SWJ-DP uses deprecated switch code (0xAEAE)
          DAP_SWJ_Sequence(16, 0xE73C);
          // Ensure JTAG interface is reset
          DAP_SWJ_Sequence(6, 0x3F);
      <block atomic="1">
        // JTAG "Soft" Reset
        DAP_JTAG_Sequence(6, 1, 0x3F);
        DAP_JTAG_Sequence(1, 0, 0x01);

    <!-- SWD Protocol -->
    <control if="protType == 2">
      <control if="isSWJ">
        <block atomic="1">
          // Ensure current debug interface is in reset state
          DAP_SWJ_Sequence(51, 0x0007FFFFFFFFFFFF);
          // Execute SWJ-DP Switch Sequence JTAG to SWD (0xE79E)
          // Change if SWJ-DP uses deprecated switch code (0xEDB6)
          DAP_SWJ_Sequence(16, 0xE79E);
          // Enter SWD Line Reset State
          DAP_SWJ_Sequence(51, 0x0007FFFFFFFFFFFF);  // &gt; 50 cycles SWDIO/TMS High
          DAP_SWJ_Sequence(3,  0x00);                // At least 2 idle cycles (SWDIO/TMS Low)
      <control if="!isSWJ">
          // Enter SWD Line Reset State
          DAP_SWJ_Sequence(51, 0x0007FFFFFFFFFFFF);  // &gt; 50 cycles SWDIO/TMS High
          DAP_SWJ_Sequence(3,  0x00);                // At least 2 idle cycles (SWDIO/TMS Low)
        // Read DPIDR to enable SWD interface (SW-DPv1 and SW-DPv2)



  <sequence name="DebugPortStart">
      __var SW_DP_ABORT  = 0x0;
      __var DP_CTRL_STAT = 0x4;
      __var DP_SELECT    = 0x8;
      __var powered_down = 0;

      // Switch to DP Register Bank 0
      WriteDP(DP_SELECT, 0x00000000);
      // Read DP CTRL/STAT Register and check if CSYSPWRUPACK and CDBGPWRUPACK bits are set
      powered_down = ((ReadDP(DP_CTRL_STAT) &amp; 0xA0000000) != 0xA0000000);
    <control if="powered_down">
        // Request Debug/System Power-Up
        WriteDP(DP_CTRL_STAT, 0x50000000);
      <!-- Wait for Power-Up Request to be acknowledged -->
      <control while="(ReadDP(DP_CTRL_STAT) &amp; 0xA0000000) == 0xA0000000" timeout="1000000"/>
        // Request Debug Reset
        WriteDP(DP_CTRL_STAT, 0x54000000);
      <!-- Wait for Debug Reset to be acknowledged, don't issue error on timeout to deal with improperly connected Debug Reset -->
      <control while="(ReadDP(DP_CTRL_STAT) &amp; 0xA8000000) == 0xA8000000" timeout="300000"/>
      <!-- JTAG Specific Part of sequence -->
      <control if="__protocol == 1">
          // Init AP Transfer Mode, Transaction Counter, and Lane Mask (Normal Transfer Mode, Include all Byte Lanes)
          // Additionally clear STICKYORUN, STICKYCMP, and STICKYERR bits by writing '1'
          WriteDP(DP_CTRL_STAT, 0x50000F32);
      <!-- SWD Specific Part of sequence -->
      <control if="__protocol == 2">
          // Init AP Transfer Mode, Transaction Counter, and Lane Mask (Normal Transfer Mode, Include all Byte Lanes)
          WriteDP(DP_CTRL_STAT, 0x50000F00);
          // Clear WDATAERR, STICKYORUN, STICKYCMP, and STICKYERR bits of CTRL/STAT Register by write to ABORT register
          WriteDP(SW_DP_ABORT, 0x0000001E);



  <sequence name="DebugPortStop">
      __var DP_CTRL_STAT = 0x4;
      __var DP_SELECT    = 0x8;
      // Switch to DP Register Bank 0
      WriteDP(DP_SELECT, 0x00000000);
      // Power Down Debug port
      WriteDP(DP_CTRL_STAT, 0x00000000);


  <sequence name="DebugCoreStart">
      // System Control Space (SCS) offset as defined in ARMv6-M/ARMv7-M.
      __var SCS_Addr   = 0xE000E000;
      __var DHCSR_Addr = SCS_Addr + 0xDF0;

      // Enable Core Debug via DHCSR
      Write32(DHCSR_Addr, 0xA05F0001);


  <sequence name="DebugCoreStop">
      // System Control Space (SCS) offset as defined in ARMv6-M/ARMv7-M.
      __var SCS_Addr   = 0xE000E000;
      __var DHCSR_Addr = SCS_Addr + 0xDF0;
      __var DEMCR_Addr = SCS_Addr + 0xDFC;
      // Disable Core Debug via DHCSR
      Write32(DHCSR_Addr, 0xA05F0000);
      // Disable DWT and ITM blocks, DebugMonitor handler,
      // halting debug traps, and Reset Vector Catch.
      Write32(DEMCR_Addr, 0x00000000);


  <sequence name="ResetSystem">
      // System Control Space (SCS) offset as defined in ARMv6-M/ARMv7-M.

      __var SCS_Addr   = 0xE000E000;
      __var AIRCR_Addr = SCS_Addr + 0xD0C;
      __var DHCSR_Addr = SCS_Addr + 0xDF0;
      // Execute SYSRESETREQ via AIRCR
      Write32(AIRCR_Addr, 0xA05F0004);

    <!-- Reset Recovery: Wait for DHCSR.S_RESET_ST bit to clear on read -->
    <control while="(Read32(DHCSR_Addr) &amp; 0x02000000) == 0" timeout="500000"/>


This Default Debug Access Sequence is empty for ARMv6-M based processors.
  <sequence name="ResetProcessor">
      // System Control Space (SCS) offset as defined in ARMv7-M.

      __var SCS_Addr   = 0xE000E000;
      __var AIRCR_Addr = SCS_Addr + 0xD0C;
      __var DHCSR_Addr = SCS_Addr + 0xDF0;
      // Execute VECTRESET via AIRCR
      Write32(AIRCR_Addr, 0xA05F0001);
    <!-- Reset Recovery: Wait for DHCSR.S_RESET_ST bit to clear on read -->
    <control while="(Read32(DHCSR_Addr) &amp; 0x02000000) == 0" timeout="500000"/>



  <sequence name="ResetHardware">
      __var nReset      = 0x80;
      __var canReadPins = 0;
      // Deassert nRESET line
      canReadPins = (DAP_SWJ_Pins(0x00, nReset, 0) != 0xFFFFFFFF);
    <!-- Keep reset active for 50 ms -->
    <control while="1" timeout="50000"/>

    <control if="canReadPins">
      <!-- Assert nRESET line and wait for recovery -->
      <control while="(DAP_SWJ_Pins(nReset, nReset, 0) &amp; nReset) == 0" timeout="1000000"/>
    <control if="!canReadPins">
        // Assert nRESET line
        DAP_SWJ_Pins(nReset, nReset, 0);
      <!-- Wait 100ms for recovery if nRESET not readable -->
      <control while="1" timeout="1000000"/>


  <sequence name="ResetHardwareAssert">

        __var nReset = 0x80;
        // Deassert nRESET line to activate the hardware reset
        DAP_SWJ_Pins(0, nReset, 0);


  <sequence name="ResetHardwareDeassert">

      __var nReset      = 0x80;
      __var canReadPins = 0;
      // Assert nRESET line and check if nRESET is readable
      canReadPins = (DAP_SWJ_Pins(nReset, nReset, 0) != 0xFFFFFFFF);

    <!-- Wait for nRESET to recover from reset if readable-->
    <control if="canReadPins" while="(DAP_SWJ_Pins(nReset, nReset, 0) &amp; nReset) == 0" timeout="1000000"/>
    <!-- Wait 100ms for recovery if nRESET not readable -->
    <control if="!canReadPins" while="1" timeout="1000000"/>


  <sequence name="ResetCatchSet">
      // System Control Space (SCS) offset as defined
      // in ARMv6-M/ARMv7-M. Reimplement this sequence
      // if the SCS is located at a different offset.

      __var SCS_Addr   = 0xE000E000;
      __var DHCSR_Addr = SCS_Addr + 0xDF0;
      __var DEMCR_Addr = SCS_Addr + 0xDFC;
      __var value      = 0;
      // Enable Reset Vector Catch in DEMCR
      value = Read32(DEMCR_Addr);
      Write32(DEMCR_Addr, (value | 0x00000001));

      // Read DHCSR to clear potentially set DHCSR.S_RESET_ST bit


  <sequence name="ResetCatchClear">
      // System Control Space (SCS) offset as defined
      // in ARMv6-M/ARMv7-M. Reimplement this sequence
      // if the SCS is located at a different offset.
      __var SCS_Addr   = 0xE000E000;
      __var DEMCR_Addr = SCS_Addr + 0xDFC;
      __var value      = 0;
      // Disable Reset Vector Catch in DEMCR
      value = Read32(DEMCR_Addr);
      Write32(DEMCR_Addr, (value &amp; (~0x00000001)));