EFR32 Blue Gecko 13 Software Documentation  efr32bg13-doc-5.1.2

Detailed Description


void SPI_TFT_Init (void)
 SPI_TFT_Init Initialize SPI interface to TFT-LCD SSD2119 controller. More...
void SPI_TFT_WriteRegister (uint8_t reg, uint16_t data)
 SPI_TFT_Write Write registers/data to SSD2119 controller. More...
bool TFT_AddressMappedInit (void)
 TFT initialize or reinitialize to Address Mapped Mode Assumes EBI has been configured correctly in BSP_Init(BSP_INIT_DK_EBI) More...
void TFT_DirectGPIOConfig (void)
 GPIO configuration for TFT direct drive.
bool TFT_DirectInit (const EBI_TFTInit_TypeDef *tftInit)
 TFT initialize or reinitialize Assumes EBI has been configured correctly in BSP_Init(BSP_INIT_DK_EBI) More...

Function Documentation

void SPI_TFT_Init ( void  )

SPI_TFT_Init Initialize SPI interface to TFT-LCD SSD2119 controller.

To enable access, be sure to call the functions BSP_PeripheralAccess(BSP_TFT, enable); before using this interface.

Definition at line 45 of file tftspi.c.

References CMU_ClockEnable(), cmuClock_GPIO, cmuClock_HFPER, cmuClock_USART1, GPIO_PinModeSet(), gpioModeInput, gpioModePushPull, USART1, USART_InitSync(), and USART_Reset().

void SPI_TFT_WriteRegister ( uint8_t  reg,
uint16_t  data 

SPI_TFT_Write Write registers/data to SSD2119 controller.

regRegister to write to
data16-bit data to write into register
It's not possible to read back register value through SSD2119 SPI interface, so no SPI_TFT_ReadRegister function is implemented

Definition at line 82 of file tftspi.c.

References GPIO_PinOutClear(), GPIO_PinOutSet(), USART1, USART_CTRL_BIT8DV, USART_Rx(), and USART_Tx().

bool TFT_AddressMappedInit ( void  )

TFT initialize or reinitialize to Address Mapped Mode Assumes EBI has been configured correctly in BSP_Init(BSP_INIT_DK_EBI)

true if we should redraw into buffer, false if BC has control over display

Definition at line 37 of file tftamapped.c.

References BC_ARB_CTRL_EBI, BC_REGISTER, BC_SPI_DEMUX_SLAVE_AUDIO, BC_SPI_DEMUX_SLAVE_DISPLAY, BC_SSD2119_BASE, BC_UIF_AEM_EFM, BSP_Display_EBI, BSP_Display_Mode8080, BSP_Display_PowerDisable, BSP_Display_PowerEnable, BSP_Display_ResetAssert, BSP_Display_ResetRelease, BSP_DisplayControl(), BSP_RegisterRead(), BSP_RegisterWrite(), runOnce, and SystemCoreClockGet().

bool TFT_DirectInit ( const EBI_TFTInit_TypeDef *  tftInit)

TFT initialize or reinitialize Assumes EBI has been configured correctly in BSP_Init(BSP_INIT_DK_EBI)

[in]tftInitPointer to EBI TFT initialization structure
true if we should redraw into buffer, false if BC has control over display

Definition at line 54 of file tftdirect.c.

References BC_ARB_CTRL_EBI, BC_REGISTER, BC_UIF_AEM_EFM, BSP_Display_EBI, BSP_Display_ModeGeneric, BSP_Display_PowerDisable, BSP_Display_PowerEnable, BSP_Display_ResetAssert, BSP_Display_ResetRelease, BSP_DisplayControl(), BSP_PeripheralAccess(), BSP_RegisterRead(), BSP_TFT, runOnce, SystemCoreClockGet(), and TFT_DirectGPIOConfig().