# Settings File Additional MLTK settings may be configure in the settings file: ```shell ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml ``` Where `~` is your OS's user home directory. On Windows, this typically points to `C:\Users\` where `` is your Windows user name. __NOTE:__ The environment variable `MLTK_USER_SETTINGS_PATH` may be used to override the default path `~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml`: This file uses the [YAML](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/yaml/yaml_quick_guide.htm) format. ## Example An example `~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml` is as follows: ```yaml model_paths: - ~/dev_models - c:/production_models commander: device: efr32 serial_number: 123432 ssh: config_path: ~/ssh_config remote_dir: ~/workspace create_venv: false connection: hostname: my_server.com port: 222 username: joe key_filename: ~/.ssh/id_my_server environment: - CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=-1 - DEV_ENV=1 upload_files: - dataset.zip - config.txt startup_cmds: - sudo apt install -y p7zip-full libsndfile1 download_files: - custom_logs/** shutdown_cmds: - curl -F `data=log.txt` my_server.com ``` ## Settings The following user settings are supported: ### model_paths This is a list of directories to search of MLTK models. See [Model Search Path](../guides/model_search_path.md) for more details. ```{note} Environment variables used in the directory paths will be resolved at runtime ``` ### commander [Simplicity Commander](https://www.silabs.com/documents/public/user-guides/ug162-simplicity-commander-reference-guide.pdf) settings. This is useful if more than one development board is connected to the local computer. The following sub-settings are supported: - `device` - The device code given to the `--device` command-line option - `serial_number` - The adapter serial number given to the `--serialno` command-line option - `ip_address` - The adapter IP address given to the `--ip` command-line option ### ssh These are settings specific to the [mltk ssh](../guides/model_training_via_ssh.md) command. See the [Model Training via SSH](../guides/model_training_via_ssh.md) guide for more details.