Installation ================= The MLTK supports three modes of installation: - [Standard Python Package](#standard-python-package) - Use the MLTK like any other package in your local Python3 environment - [Google Colab](#google-colab) - Run the MLTK in the [Google Colab]( cloud servers. This allows for running the MLTK _without_ installing it locally - [Local Development](#local-development) - Locally build the MLTK C++ [Python wrappers]( and [examples]( from source ```{note} [Python3 9,10,11, or 12]( is required ``` ## Standard Python Package This describes how to install the MLTK Python package into your Python3 environment. ```{note} - Before installing, you must have [Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12]( installed on your computer - Installing the MLTK will also install Google [Tensorflow]( into your Python environment, if your computer has an NVidia GPU, then ensure the proper drivers are [installed]( - If you're using Windows, be sure to install the [Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019]( which is required by [Tensorflow]( ``` 1 ) __Optionally__ create and activate a Python [virtual environment]( This step is __highly recommended__ as the MLTK installs other dependencies like Tensorflow into the Python environment. ```{eval-rst} .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Windows .. code-block:: shell python -m venv mltk_pyvenv .\mltk_pyvenv\Scripts\activate.bat .. tab-item:: Linux .. code-block:: shell python3 -m venv mltk_pyvenv source ./mltk_pyvenv/bin/activate ``` 2 ) Install the MLTK Python package via [pip]( This installs the pre-built Python package. This is the easiest and fastest approach to installing the MLTK. However, the package may not be up-to-date with the [Github repository]( ```{eval-rst} .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Windows .. code-block:: shell pip install silabs-mltk[full] --upgrade .. tab-item:: Linux .. code-block:: shell pip3 install silabs-mltk[full] --upgrade ``` __Alternatively,__ This builds and installs the Python package from the [Github repository]( __This will take longer to install__ but will use the most up-to-date source code. ```{eval-rst} .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Windows .. code-block:: shell pip install "silabs-mltk[full] @ git+" .. tab-item:: Linux .. code-block:: shell pip3 install "silabs-mltk[full] @ git+" ``` __NOTE:__ The `silabs-mltk[full] @ ` part of the command is _optional_. This will install additional dependencies used by some the the MLTK commands. Omitting this from the command will speedup installation but may cause some of the commands like `classify_audio`, `view`, `tensorboard` to require additional install step. After the command completes, the MLTK should be available to the current Python environment. You can verify by issuing the command: ```shell mltk --help ``` See the [Command-Line Guide](./command_line/ for more details on how to use the command-line. You can also import the MLTK via Python script, e.g.: ```python from mltk.core import profile_model profile_model('~/my_model.tflite') ``` See the [API Examples](./ for more details on how to use the MLTK [Python API](./python_api/ ### Update Python Package If the MLTK Python package has already been installed, you may update to the latest MLTK by running the command: ```{eval-rst} .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Windows .. code-block:: shell pip install silabs-mltk[full] --upgrade .. tab-item:: Linux .. code-block:: shell pip3 install silabs-mltk[full] --upgrade ``` Alternatively, you can update to a specific version with: ```{eval-rst} .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Windows .. code-block:: shell pip install silabs-mltk[full]==0.20.0 .. tab-item:: Linux .. code-block:: shell pip3 install silabs-mltk[full]==0.20.0 ``` and replace `0.20.0` with the desired version. ## Google Colab Google offers it own _free_ Cloud servers for model training, [Google Colaboratory]( (a.k.a. Colab). This is very useful as you can leverage Google's cloud servers and GPUs for training your model. The following describes how to install the MLTK into a Colab notebook. 1 ) Create a Google Account (if necessary) Go to the [Google Signup]( page. __NOTE:__ Click the __Use my current email address instead__ button to use your existing email instead of creating a gmail email address. 2 ) Refer to the [Colab Basic Features Overview]( to get a basic idea of how notebooks work 3 ) Create a new Colab notebook 4 ) Create a Python code cell and copy & paste the following into the cell ```shell !pip install --upgrade silabs-mltk ``` 5 ) Execute the cell Once the cell executes, the MLTK will be installed. You may import and use the MLTK package as normal from this point on inside the notebook ## Local Development The MLTK can also be installed for local development. In this mode, the Python C++ wrappers are built from source. Additionally, a new Python virtual environment is created specifically for the MLTK. ```{note} Before installing, you must have [Python3.9,10,11, or 12]( installed on your computer ``` 1 ) Clone the MLTK GIT repository ```shell git clone ``` 2 ) Run the install script at the root of the repository ```{eval-rst} .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: Windows .. code-block:: shell cd mltk python .\ .. tab-item:: Linux .. code-block:: shell cd mltk python3 ./ ``` The install script will: 1. Create a python virtual environment at `/.venv` 2. Install the MLTK Python package for local development into Python virtual environment: ```shell pip install -e . ``` ```{seealso} - [C++ Development](./cpp_development/ - Describes how to build and run MLTK C++ applications ```