# Model Search Path Most commands/APIs support providing a model name argument (as opposed to a file path). e.g: ```shell mltk train image_example1 mltk profile my_model mltk evaluate keyword_spotting_model ``` ```python mltk_model = load_mltk_model('image_example1') train_model('image_example1') profile_model('my_model') evaluate_model('keyword_spotting_model') ``` The MLTK searches the following paths for a model specification script `.py` and/or model archive file `.mltk.zip` with a matching name: 1. __model_paths in user_settings.yaml__ The [user_settings.yaml](../other/settings_file.md) file may contain the field `model_paths` which should be a list of directories containing model specification scripts. If the setting field exists, these directories are recursively searched in the provided order. 2. __Current working directory__ The current working directory (_not_ including the MLTK Python package/repository root directory) is searched (__not__ recursively). 3. __Environment Variable: MLTK_MODEL_PATHS__ The environment variable [MLTK_MODEL_PATHS](../other/environment_variables.md) may contain a list of model search directories. If the environment variable exists, these directories are recursively searched in the provided order. 4. __MLTK package module: mltk.models__ The default search path is the `mltk.models` module directory which is recursively searched.