Source code for mltk.core.model.mixins.ssh_mixin

from typing import List
from .base_mixin import BaseMixin

from ..model_attributes import MltkModelAttributesDecorator

[docs]@MltkModelAttributesDecorator() class SshMixin(BaseMixin): """Provides various properties to the base :py:class:`~MltkModel` used by the ``ssh`` MLTK command. .. seealso:: - `Model Training via SSH <>`_ - `Cloud Training with <>`_ """ @property def ssh_remote_dir(self) -> str: """Directory path to remote machine's workspace. This overrides any settings in ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml .. seealso:: `Model Training via SSH <>`_ """ return self._attributes.get_value('ssh.remote_dir', default=None) @ssh_remote_dir.setter def ssh_remote_dir(self, v:str): self._attributes['ssh.remote_dir'] = v @property def ssh_startup_cmds(self) -> List[str]: """List of shell commands to execute before invoking MLTK command. This overrides any settings in ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml .. seealso:: `Model Training via SSH <>`_ """ return self._attributes.get_value('ssh.startup_cmds', default=None) @ssh_startup_cmds.setter def ssh_startup_cmds(self, v:List[str]): self._attributes['ssh.startup_cmds'] = v @property def ssh_shutdown_cmds(self) -> List[str]: """List of shell commands to execute after invoking MLTK command. This overrides any settings in ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml .. seealso:: `Model Training via SSH <>`_ """ return self._attributes.get_value('ssh.shutdown_cmds', default=None) @ssh_shutdown_cmds.setter def ssh_shutdown_cmds(self, v:List[str]): self._attributes['ssh.shutdown_cmds'] = v @property def ssh_upload_files(self) -> List[str]: """List of local files to upload before invoking MLTK command. All paths must be relative to the model specification script. This overrides any settings in ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml .. seealso:: `Model Training via SSH <>`_ """ return self._attributes.get_value('ssh.upload_files', default=None) @ssh_upload_files.setter def ssh_upload_files(self, v:List[str]): self._attributes['ssh.upload_files'] = v @property def ssh_download_files(self) -> List[str]: """List of remote files to download after invoking MLTK command. All paths must be relative to the model specification script. This overrides any settings in ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml .. seealso:: `Model Training via SSH <>`_ """ return self._attributes.get_value('ssh.download_files', default=None) @ssh_download_files.setter def ssh_download_files(self, v:List[str]): self._attributes['ssh.download_files'] = v @property def ssh_environment(self) -> List[str]: """List of environment variables to export in the remote machine's shell session before invoking MLTK command. This overrides any settings in ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml .. seealso:: `Model Training via SSH <>`_ """ return self._attributes.get_value('ssh.environment', default=None) @ssh_environment.setter def ssh_environment(self, v:List[str]): self._attributes['ssh.environment'] = v @property def ssh_create_venv(self) -> bool: """If true then create the MLTK python virtual environment in the specified remote_directory. This overrides the setting in ~/.mltk/user_settings.yaml .. seealso:: `Model Training via SSH <>`_ """ return self._attributes.get_value('ssh.create_venv', default=None) @ssh_create_venv.setter def ssh_create_venv(self, v:bool): self._attributes['ssh.create_venv'] = v def _register_attributes(self): self._attributes.register('ssh.remote_dir', dtype=str) self._attributes.register('ssh.startup_cmds', dtype=(list,tuple)) self._attributes.register('ssh.shutdown_cmds', dtype=(list,tuple)) self._attributes.register('ssh.upload_files', dtype=(list,tuple)) self._attributes.register('ssh.download_files', dtype=(list,tuple)) self._attributes.register('ssh.environment', dtype=(dict,list,tuple)) self._attributes.register('ssh.create_venv', dtype=bool)