# Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Amazon Web Services offers reliable, scalable, and inexpensive cloud computing services. Refer to [AWS Documentation](https://aws.amazon.com/what-is-aws/) for more details.
## AWS CA Certitifcate Registration

1. Create a CA certificate, a CA verification certificate, a client certificate and a client key using the  [Openssl Certificate Creation](./OPENSSL_CERTIFICATE_CREATION.md) documentation.
2. Open [AWS](https://aws.amazon.com/)
3. Login using your AWS credentials
4. Register the CA Certificate in AWS:
    - Go to `Security -> Certificate Authorities` and `Register CA Certificate`.
    - Select `Register CA` in the Single account mode.
    - Choose the CA certificate (CA.crt) that you previously created above.
    - Choose the CA verification certificate (verification_cert.pem) that you previously created above.
    - Register the CA.
5. Go to `Security -> Policies` and select `Create Policy`. Enter the policy name (ex: `DIC_POLICY`) and in the policy statements select `JSON` and replace the contents with the JSON provided below:
  "Version": "2012-10-17",
  "Statement": [
      "Effect": "Allow",
      "Action": "*",
      "Resource": "*"
Once done, select `Create`.

6. Steps to generate the certificate for your Matter application to use in the `dic_config.h` header.
    - Go to `All Devices -> Things` and select `Create Things`.
    - Select `Create Single Thing` and click **Next**.
    - Specify thing properties Info -> Give the thing a name (Note: Client ID) and click **Next**.
    - Configure the device certificate - optional Info -> Use my certificate.
    - Certificate details -> Choose `CA is registered with AWS IOT` and Select the CA that registered with AWS in Step 4.
    - Certificate -> Choose file (Choose Client certificate generated in Openssl Certificate Creation ex: `device.crt`) and set the certificate status to `Active`. Click **Next**.
    - Use the policy(ex: `DIC_POLICY`) created in AWS Certificate Creation.

7. Repeat Step 5 to create a new thing to use in MQTT Explorer using the certificate created for MQTT explorer ( from Openssl Certificate Creation ex: `explorer.crt`)
    - NOTE:
      - Thing name must be unique as it will be used as CLIENT ID. 
8. Copy the contents of [AWS_CA CERT](https://www.amazontrust.com/repository/AmazonRootCA1.pem) and create a .pem file to use as a SERVER CERTIFICATE in MQTT Explorer.

## How to create AWS OTA JOB

1. Go to AWS Amazon link https://aws.amazon.com/
2. Login with Amazon Credentials.
3. Click on Services and select `IOT Core`.
4. On Side Bar Menu in Manage Section click on `Remote Actions` and click on `jobs`.
5. Click on Create Job and select Job type as a `Create FreeRTOS OTA update job`.
6. Enter a unique Job name without spaces.
7. In `Devices to update` dropdown select your Certificates which is configured above. for example:- SQA_DIC_C2, SQA_DIC_C3, DIC_2
8. Select `MQTT` as the protocol for file transfer.
9. In File Section select `New/Previously/Custom` signed gbl file.
    - If gbl file is newly created then select `Sign a new file for me`
    - If gbl file is already uploaded to AWS then select `Choose a previously signed file`
    - If gbl file is modified customly then select `Use my custome signed file`
10. In `Existing code signing profile` select `dic_ota_codesign` . Refer [AWS Code Signing Certificate Creation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/freertos/latest/userguide/ota-code-sign-cert.html) 
11. For uploading gbl file follow above step `9`.
12. In File upload location in S3 select S3 URL as `ota_demo`. Refer [AWS S3 bucket Creation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/freertos/latest/userguide/dg-ota-bucket.html)
13. In `Path name of file on device` give any file name (file.txt).
14. Select `ota_demo` as `IAM role` and click on Next.
15. Click on `create job`.

Note: For more details, Refer [AWS OTA prerequisites](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/freertos/latest/userguide/ota-prereqs.html)