Matter Software Update with EFR32 Example Applications
The Over The Air (OTA) Software Update functionality is enabled by default for
all of the EFR32 example applications. Its inclusion in an application is
controlled by the chip_enable_ota_requestor
compile flag.
Hardware Requirements
To run matter ota on Silicon Labs Platform, refer to: Hardware Requirements
Software Requirements
To run matter ota on Silicon Labs Platform, refer to: Software Requirements
Setting up OTA Environment
To execute OTA on Silicon Labs Platform Wi-Fi Boards, we need to build two different applications below:
OTA-A is a normal application with default or older software version. It acts as ota-requestor where it needs to update the latest software version.
OTA-B is a normal application with an updated software version.
Chip-tool is a controller for sending commands to the ota-requestor to update the software version and receiving commands from device.
OTA-Provider is the server that has the latest software version and from which ota-requestor will download the updated software.
Setting up Chip-tool Controller
If you have not downloaded or cloned this repository, you can run the following commands on a Linux terminal running on either Linux machine, WSL or Virtual Machine to clone the repository and run bootstrap to prepare to build the sample application images.
To download the SiliconLabs Matter codebase, run the following commands.
$ git clone
$ cd matter $ ./scripts/ --shallow --recursive --platform efr32 $ . scripts/ # Create a directory where binaries will be updated/compiled called `out` $ mkdir out
In order to control the Wi-Fi Matter Accessory Device, you will have to compile and run the chip-tool on either a Linux, Mac or Raspberry Pi. The chip-tool builds faster on the Mac and Linux machines, so that is recommended, but if you have access to a Raspberry Pi that will work as well.
Build the chip-tool
$ ./scripts/examples/ examples/chip-tool out/standalone
This will build chip-tool in out/standalone
Setting up OTA-Provider
To Build OTA-Provider app for Linux Platform, run below command in the matter repository.
scripts/examples/ examples/ota-provider-app/linux out/debug chip_config_network_layer_ble=false
Matter OTA Images
To create and Build matter OTA from matter code, need two different applications to build mentioned below:
Build OTA A Application
Matter OTA-A Application will be used to flash on the matter device.
In matter cloned directory run below commands to build an OTA A application.
For RS9116:
./scripts/examples/ examples/lighting-app/silabs/ out/rs911x_lighting_A BRD41xxx disable_lcd=true use_external_flash=false chip_enable_ble_rs911x=true --wifi rs9116
For WF200
./scripts/examples/ examples/lighting-app/silabs/ out/wf200_lighting_A BRD41xxx chip_build_libshell=false --wifi wf200
Note: Matter OTA-A application will be having software version as 1 by default in third_party/silabs/ file.
Build OTA B Application
Matter OTA-B application will be used to create gbl & OTA file.
Open the file third_party/silabs/ from matter code cloned directory and modify sl_matter_version = 1 to any number.
Note: Make sure always sl_matter_version should be greater than sl_hardware_version
After Modifying software version build OTA B application using below commands for EFR boards
For RS9116:
./scripts/examples/ examples/lighting-app/silabs/ out/rs911x_lighting_B BRD41xxx disable_lcd=true use_external_flash=false chip_enable_ble_rs911x=true --wifi rs9116
For WF200
./scripts/examples/ examples/lighting-app/silabs/ out/wf200_lighting_B BRD41xxx chip_build_libshell=false --wifi wf200
Executing OTA Scenario
Generating the OTA image
Locate Simplicity Commander Path via Command Prompt Terminal.
Create a bootable image file by running below command in commander terminal(using the Lighting application as an example):
commander gbl create chip-efr32-lighting-example.gbl --compress lzma --app chip-efr32-lighting-example.s37
Note:- Using LZMA compression when building the .gbl file ( passing --compress lzma
parameter to the commander gbl create
command) further reduces the downloaded image size.
Create the Matter OTA file by running below command in ${WORKSPACE_DIR}/matter path:
./src/app/ create -v 0xFFF1 -p 0x8005 -vn 2 -vs "2.0" -da sha256 chip-efr32-lighting-example.gbl chip-efr32-lighting-example.ota
Note: Modify -vn to sl_matter_version as per OTA-B application Building step Build OTA B
Running OTA Provider
Locate ota-provider terminal and start the Provider app passing to it the path to the Matter OTA file created in the previous step:
rm -rf /tmp/chip_*
./out/debug/chip-ota-provider-app -f chip-efr32-lighting-example.ota
Setting up OTA-Requestor
Before running ota-requestor app flash the bootloader binary images for Silicon Labs Devices.
Flash Bootloader Images
Bootloader binaries will be flashed using Simplicity Commander only. It will support EFR32 NCP Boards only.
Silicon Labs Devices will supports below Bootloader variants for EFR32 Boards.
Internal Storage Bootloader
External Storage Bootloader
To Flash the Bootloader Binary along with the application for Silicon Labs Device, refer Flashing Binaries
Running OTA-Requestor
In a separate terminal, locate the chip-tool and ota-requestor and run the chip-tool commands to provision the Provider:
./out/chip-tool pairing onnetwork 1 20202021
./out/chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null}, {"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 3, "authMode": 2, "subjects": null, "targets": null}]' 1 0
If the application device had been previously commissioned hold Button 0 for six seconds to factory-reset the device.
In the chip-tool terminal, commission the Device by passing below command:
./out/chip-tool pairing ble-wifi "node_id" "SSID" "PSK" 20202021 3840
where SSID and PSK are AP username and password.
Once the commissioning process completes in the same terminal, run below requestor command to start downloading the image:
./out/chip-tool otasoftwareupdaterequestor announce-otaprovider 1 0 0 0 2 0
The application device will connect to the Provider and start the image download. Once the image is downloaded the device will reboot into the downloaded image.