Debugging in VS Code

This section covers remote debugging (GDB jlink) of Matter examples in VS Code.


  1. C/C++ Extension Pack (vscode extension) - language support

  2. Cortex-Debug (vscode extension) - GDB debugger support

  3. ARM GCC Toolchain ( - required arm-none-eabi tools

  4. J-Link Software Tools - required J-Link GDB Server for J-Link based debuggers (


Before starting a debug session ensure the following:

  1. A path to "arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe" is provided in the "Settings.Json" file under the "" property.
  2. A path to the GDB jlink server executable is provided in the launch.Json file for the property "serverpath". Find this property under the configuration name "Debug efr32 example app"


    Step 1:

    Use the shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + P) to trigger the command pallet.

    Step 2:

    A drop-down menu will appear along with a prompt. Select the “Debug efr32 example app” and Start Debugging, or press F5 on your keyboard.

    Step 3:

    Select the example you want to debug.

    Step 4:

    From the drop-down menu, select the desired target device.