Zigbee Protocol Controller 1.6.0
ZigPC Release Notes

[1.6.0] - Aug 2024

Changed (1.6.0)

  • ZigPC migrated to Simplicity SDK v2024.6.0 with alpha quality.
  • Reference platform updated to Bookworm 64-bit based Raspberry Pi OS.
  • Migrated to Zigbee EmberZNet SDK v8.0.0.0

[1.5.0] - Feb 2024

Added (1.5.0)

  • Added the support (alpha quality) for below clusters- 'Basic', 'Metering', 'ElectricalMeasurement', 'PowerConfiguration', 'WindowCovering', 'TemperatureMeasurement'

Changed (1.5.0)

  • Fixed mqtt specific argument parsing.

[1.4.0] - August 2023

Added (1.4.0)

  • Added options to configure the Zigbee network parameters on startup

Changed (1.4.0)

  • JSON handling bugfixes
  • Network management improvements
  • Ease of use updates for adding new or custom clusters

[1.3.1] - March 2023

Changed (1.3.1)

  • Added a bugfix addressing binding issues

[1.3.0] - February 2023

Added (1.3.0)

  • Enabled the minimum required attributes for ApplicationMonitoring.
  • Add the possiblity of enabling emberCLI at compile time. Use command embercli in Zigpc CLI to send command to the z3gateway cli.
  • Added CLI option to configure attribute polling rate, can be set in uic.cfg under zigpc.attr_polling_rate_ms.
  • Added support for bindings through MQTT.

Changed (1.3.0)

  • Reference platform updated to Bullseye 64-bit based Raspberry Pi OS.
  • Migrated to Gecko SDK version to v4.2.0.
  • General network improvements.
  • JSON Parsing bugfix
  • Attribute polling bugfix

[1.2.0] - August 2022

Added (1.2.0)

  • Network management improvements allowing parallel device joins and discovery
  • Added CLI option to configure OTA file folder destination
  • Added CLI option to poll attributes only and disable report configuration
  • Added zigbeed/multiprotocol integration

Changed (1.2.0)

  • Bugfix for zigpc failing to start when the OTA file folder is not found
  • Update zigpc Linux permissions
  • Removed zigpc service auto-start to allow user to prevent conflicts with multiprotocol integration
  • More general bugfix for crashing on mal-formed JSON
  • Migrated to GeckoSDK 4.1

[1.1.1] - March 2022

Added (1.1.1)

  • The NCP firmware update component to enable upgrading the NCP firmware using the zigbee protocol controller

Changed (1.1.1)

  • Fixed a bug where the zigbee protocol controller would crash on malformed JSON

[1.1.0] - Feb 2022

Added (1.1.0)

  • Debian Installer also configures ZigPC to run as a system service
  • Ability to get ZigPC specific diagnostic information (uptime, CPU use, memory use, Zigbee stack counters) from the host and the coordinator
  • ZAP and SLC_CLI has been integrated as project dependencies for Zigbee host library generation
  • Attribute polling if report configuration fails
  • Publishing GeneratedCommands sent from Zigbee devices as responses or as unsolicited events

Changed (1.1.0)

  • Migrate Zigbee-Host library (EmberZNet-based) from Appbuilder project (GeckoSDK 3.1) to SLC project (GeckoSDK 4.0). See Zigbee Host Library Readme for more details. NOTE: In order to listen to new ZCL cluster messages, the SLC project configuration should be changed in addition to the ZAP dotdot helpers
  • ZigPC datastore file key has been changed from –datastore.file to –zigpc.datastore_file
  • Default datastore file has been changed from /var/lib/uic/database.db to /var/lib/uic/zigpc.db If you used the default configuration, keep your previous database by running mv /var/lib/uic/database.db /var/lib/uic/zigpc.db

Removed (1.1.0)

  • Use of EmafDeviceTablePlugin in Zigbee-Host library to manage device discovery; This is now performed within ZigPC

Fixed (1.1.0)

  • Persisted information cleanup on device leaving the network
  • JSON payloads accepted for commands and attributes to be UCL compliant

[1.0.3] - Nov 2021

Added (1.0.3)

  • Add persistence of Zigbee device discovery information to allow servicing devices after ZigPC reboots
  • Use of NCP address-table to manage EUI64 to NodeId mappings

Changed (1.0.3)

  • Updates to network management
  • Improvements in Zigbee Host EZSP message performance
  • Merge ZigPC node state and ucl handling components
  • Reduce dependence on device table plugin, use address table

Fixed (1.0.3)

  • Improved ZCL frame error handling and empty string bug fix
  • Node unretain messages bugfix
  • Empty group name bugfix
  • Added polling for unreportable attributes

[1.0.2] - Oct 2021

[1.0.1] - Aug 2021

Fixed (1.0.1)

  • Build issues

[1.0.0] - Aug 2021

Added (1.0.0)

  • Implementation of Unify specification 1.0
  • Sleepy end device support
  • Support for performing Over The Air update(OTA) of Zigbee devices
  • Multicast/Groups support
  • Zigbee Trust Center support
  • Zigbee device provisioning using Z3 Install Codes
  • Attribute reporting configuration on supported clusters
  • UCL ForceReadAttribute support
  • UCL to ZCL command + attribute mappings
    • (0x0003) Identify
    • (0x0004) Groups
    • (0x0006) OnOff
    • (0x0008) Level
    • (0x0101) DoorLock
    • (0x0201) Thermostat
    • (0x0300) ColorControl
    • (0x0406) OccupancySensing
  • Zigbee Host-NCP EZSP-UART Support

Changed (1.0.0)

  • Various bug fixes
  • Documentation updates

Known Issues

Known Issue Workaround
If connection to the MQTT broker is lost, ZigPC does not re-subscribe to topics Restart ZigPC.
User may experience outdated devices that are still listed from cached data in the browser A fresh browser session can remove outdated devices.
Network management state is not published correctly if UPVL is started after ZigPC Start UPVL before ZigPC.
The UPVL becomes unresponsive to MQTT messages and will miss MQTT messages published to "ucl/SmartStart/List/Update" Restart UPVL.
Including a node using the SmartStart list is only effective for 18 hours Ensure that a node is added within 18 hours of being put in the SmartStart List.
When performing network-steering, the device can either fail node addition or node interview partially. In the device's EmberCLI, enter the commands network leave and keys clear then retry.
When excluding devices, the protocol UNID is not removed from the node's SmartStart entry. This will cause the ZigPC to refuse to re-include the node. Clear the ZigPC UNID from the SmartStart entry using the Dev UI.
ZigPC only supports "Remove" and "Idle" PC state change requests via the Node List view in DevUI. "Add" and "Reset" options are not supported. To add nodes to the Zigbee network, using the Smartstart DSK process outlined in the readme.
ZigPC can fail at initialization if the NCP image is based on GSDK 4.1 without ADDRESS_TABLE being set to 32 Set macro EMBER_ADDRESS_TABLE_SIZE=32 in NCP studio project before building NCP image.
ZigPC can fail at initialization if the NCP image is based on a different version of the GeckoSDK than ZigPC Update the NCP image to the same GeckoSDK version as the one used to compile the ZigPC.
ZigPC sends the default response to a sleepy check-in command instead of the expected acknowledge message Disable the poll control cluster when managing sleepy devices to use the default behaviour.
ZigPC may take longer than expected to perform an OTA upgrade Minimize the size of the image and leave sufficient time to update end devices.
When running in a multiprotocol setup, permission issues may cause the setup to fail Use 'sudo' when running both ZigPC and the Zigbeed applications to ensure compatibility

Zigbee Devices Used for Testing

Vendor Name Device Type Working Notes
Silabs xG12 or xG21 radio (NCP w/ EZSP-UART)
Silabs xG12 or xG21 radio Z3Light Yes
Silabs xG12 or xG21 radio Z3Switch Yes
Silabs xG12 or xG21 radio Z3Thermostat Yes
Silabs xG12 or xG21 radio Z3DoorLock Yes

Zigbee Certification information

NOTE the ZigPC is at this point not certifiable