CMSIS-SVD  Version 1.3.1
CMSIS System View Description

The protection element specify security priviliges for a successfull access to an address block, individual register or all registers within the given scope (Version 1.3). This information is relevant for both the programmer as well as the debugger if it is not granted universal access permissions. If no specific information is provided a register is accessible in any mode non-secure and secure mode.


<device schemaVersion="1.3" xmlns:xs="" xs:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="CMSIS-SVD.xsd">
<description>ARM Cortex-M3 based Microcontroller demonstration device</description>

In the example above the read and write accesses to all registers of the device require to be secure mode accesses. Note that this default can be refined on subsequent levels of the description.

Element Name Description Access Type Occurrence
secure Specifies the access type that requires "secure" mode access for a successful access to the register(s).
  • "s" = secure permission required for access
  • "n" = non-secure or secure permission required for access